
Hematology is a branch of medicine that deals with diseases of the blood. A hematologist, a specialist doctor, diagnoses and treats disorders of the number and shape of blood cells, blood clotting disorders, as well as diseases of the lymphatic tissue. Thanks to modern diagnostic methods, as well as the services of the Jović Polyclinic's laboratory, our hematologist can very quickly detect the problem and give a recommendation for starting therapy.

Improve your health and quality of life by scheduling an appointment with our hematologist.



One of the most common blood disorders for which patients turn to a hematologist is anemia. Anemia is a medical condition characterized by a lack of erythrocytes in the blood (red blood cells) and hemoglobin in the blood, and a decreased hematocrit. Symptoms vary depending on the severity of the condition, but some of the most common are fatigue, pale skin, lack of energy, dizziness, and a fast heart rate. People with anemia may feel exhausted even after light activity and are usually cold.

The causes of anemia can be varied, but the most common are iron deficiency, lack of vitamin B12 and folic acid, genetic predispositions, exposure to toxins or chronic diseases that affect the production of red blood cells. It is important that these causes are identified in order to properly treat anemia.

Our hematologist will use modern diagnostic methods, followed by analyzes from the Jović Polyclinic's laboratory, to determine the diagnosis with recommendations for starting therapy, in order to properly treat the condition and prevent possible complications.

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Enlarged lymph nodes

Enlargement of lymph nodes is a condition that occurs as a result of infection with bacteria or viruses, and is a common occurrence in hematology practice. Lymph nodes are crucial to our immune system, as they function as filters that prevent infections from spreading throughout the body. When an infection occurs, the lymph nodes respond by increasing in size to fight the pathogen, which is a sign that our immune system has been activated and is trying to fight the infection. The most common areas where we can notice enlarged lymph nodes are the neck, groin, area under the chin and armpits.

Symptoms of enlarged lymph glands (nodes) can vary depending on the cause and location of the enlargement. The most common symptoms include swollen or tender lymph nodes, fever, fatigue, weight loss, joint and muscle pain, as well as a persistent cough or frequent infections. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is important to seek the help of a hematologist to determine the cause and begin appropriate treatment.

The causes of enlarged lymph nodes can be diverse, including infections, colds, mononucleosis or HIV, autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, malignant diseases such as lymphoma or leukemia, but also non-infectious causes such as certain drugs, allergic reactions or stress. It is important that the hematologist correctly diagnoses the cause of enlarged lymph glands so that adequate treatment can be carried out.

Enlargement of lymph nodes can be temporary and transient, especially if it is caused by an infection that our body successfully overcomes. However, if we notice that the lymph nodes remain enlarged or keep coming back, it is important to seek the help of a hematologist.

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