Surgical interventions in local anesthesia

Minor surgical interventions that do not require the introduction of the patient into general anesthesia, nor hospital conditions for the implementation of the intervention, are performed by a specialist under local anesthesia. Local anesthesia involves administering a local anesthetic to a specific part of the body (operative field). The patient is awake all the time and does not feel pain.

The advantages of choosing the Jović Polyclinic to perform this type of intervention are reflected in the fact that you can be sure that you are in the safe hands of top experts, your intervention will be performed in a comfortable space with the most modern equipment, and your recovery will proceed with professional supervision and timely advice.

Hirurške intervencije lokal 2

Surgical interventions under local anesthesia performed by the Jović Polyclinic are:

  • removal of skin changes (atheromas, lipomas, moles, warts...),
  • eyelid correction
  • ear correction.

Quickly and efficiently, without waiting in lines, nervousness and stress, schedule and perform your intervention. We guarantee maximum comfort and ease, as well as a quick return to daily activities.

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