Polyclinic Jović is a modern healthcare institution that offers patients the most modern and effective diagnostic and treatment methods.
The quality guarantor of the Jović Clinic is a team of experts consisting of doctors from the Military Medical Academy headed by Professor Nebojša Jović. Although leaders in their specialist fields, our doctors continuously attend professional training in the country and abroad, in order to put the most modern knowledge in the field of medicine at the service of your health.
Aesthetic medicine - antiaging treatments, laser epilation, endolift laser; Ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound examinations) and doppler, examinations by specialist doctors, surgical interventions under local anesthesia, laboratory. All in one place with a proven team of experts.
Prelepa klinika, doktori stručnjaci iz svih oblasti, osoblje ljubazno. Posebne pohvale za dr Borisa Jovića. Za svaku preporuku!
Klinika za preporuku. Prelep ambijent opuštena atmosfera. Dr Boris Jović i njegova asistenkinja divan i savršen tim. Ovo je bila naša prva saradnja ali sigurno ne i poslednja. Hvala vam