
The largest human organ is the skin. When the skin suffers, we first face discomfort. If the skin disease progresses and begins to manifest itself in visible places, it can affect the creation of a negative image of ourselves, and cause a loss of self-confidence, deviation from the daily lifestyle, and often more serious psychological problems.

Healthy skin is a reflection of our general health. Also, our skin will quickly show us the existence of disorders in metabolic processes within the body.

Listen to your skin and give it timely care and treatment. Do not ignore the changes you notice, but consult a dermatologist for diagnosing the condition and recommending treatment.

At the Jović Polyclinic in the field of dermatology, we also offer radiowave dermatosurgery services.

Radiotalasna dermatohirurgija - uklanjanje promena na koži

Radiowave dermatosurgery - removal of skin changes

Radiowave dermatosurgery is a field of dermatosurgery that is used to perform fine interventions on the skin. This method is extremely suitable for removing benign growths on the skin.
The removal of skin changes with electromagnetic waves is used to precisely remove skin changes such as warts, fibromas, keratoses, moles and other benign lesions. This treatment is non-invasive, which means that there is no need for surgery or anesthesia. Patients can immediately return to their daily activities after treatment, without the need for a longer recovery period.

The process of radio waves is simple. A specialized probe is used to emit electromagnetic waves on the problem region of the skin, which leads to heating and evaporation of water in the cells, which effectively removes unwanted changes. The treatment itself is painless, as the skin temperature is carefully controlled and adjusted to minimize discomfort for the patient. The results are immediately visible, because the changes are removed during the treatment. Also, there are no scars or pigmentation after the treatment, which is a common problem with other methods of removing changes.

Uklanjanje bradavica radiotalasima

Removal of warts with radio waves

Wart removal with radio waves is a painless and effective method for removing these changes from the skin. Warts on the skin are a common phenomenon that we encounter, they are benign growths that appear under the influence of the human papilloma virus (HPV). They can be grouped or single, and can appear on different parts of the body, including the mucous membranes.

Although some warts may go away on their own, there are cases where they remain on the skin for years. Even if they are removed, they can reappear in a certain number of patients. That's why it's important to contact a dermatologist if you notice growths like this on your skin, and removing them is most effective in the early stages, while they are emerging and smaller in diameter.

Uklanjanje mladeža radiotalasima

Removal of moles with radio waves

Removal of moles with radio waves is one of the most advanced and safest dermatosurgical methods for solving the problem of unwanted moles on the skin. This procedure is fast, painless and provides excellent results, without visible scars, making the skin smooth and without irregularities. The intervention itself is completed in an average of only 1-3 minutes.

It is recommended that you do this procedure as soon as you notice any changes in the moles, such as a change in color, size or shape. Also, if you notice that a mole causes discomfort or itching, we advise you to immediately visit a dermatologist and consult about the possibility of removing it with radio waves.

All healthy moles can be removed without any health risk. It is even recommended to remove them as soon as possible with dermoscopy and pathohistological findings.

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